
Getting Started Videos


These videos provide parish leadership teams with practical ideas to (re-)engage people in the life of the parish community. They contain simple-to-implement ideas, with how-to instruction, to get started in the work of renewal. Some of the ideas may already be in place and others will be rolled out over time.


This video provides a recap of the vision of renewal and explains the five areas for renewal within a parish. It also highlights the importance of “tilling the soil” in the work of renewal.



This video discusses ways to implement and improve hospitality efforts by fostering a renewed spirit of welcome and nurturing a genuine sense of belonging. Some of the ideas shared are further development of your hospitality team, hosting community gatherings and introducing a parish-wide devotional.


Tilling the Soil

This video focuses on ways to "till the soil" - that is, prepare the culture of your parish for the journey of renewal through finding and forming the first group of missionary disciples and helping parishioners talk more about the visible signs of God in our midst. Some of the ideas shared are identifying leaders to experience Alpha, starting monthly witness talks and adjusting preaching for more impact.