Pope Francis has declared 2025 to be a Jubilee Yearas we are called to be “Pilgrims of Hope.” This is a time of grace, renewal and celebration for Catholics around the world. In particular, the Holy Father invites us to reflect on and grow in the hope we have in Jesus Christ and God’s boundless love for us. The renewal of our local Church in Chicago is also a source of great hope as so many people across the archdiocese are encountering the Lord for the first time or re-encountering Him in life-changing ways.
I knew who I was and whose I was. - Michelle F., Parishioner, Assumption Catholic Church, Chicago
Prayer opens the door to let God into our lives, to offer us grace and peace. We can share our experience of how we have been transformed through prayer to help others encounter Jesus Christ, get to know him and grow in relationship with Him through the help of the Holy Spirit. Through their relationship with Jesus, they can discover God’s unconditional love, forgiveness, and peace that brings healing in all our lives. Have you ever shared the impact prayer has had on you? Here's a challenge: Within the next seven days, ask someone - anyone - if they have something going on in their life you can pray about. Then, no matter how the person responds, let the Holy Spirit guide your words.
We are all pilgrims of hope, seeking the source of true rest and fulfillment – Jesus! Join others from around the archdiocese as we walk this pilgrimage of hope and renew the face of our local Church. To learn more, visit one of our local Jubilee Pilgrimage Sites.
Also, consider joining our virtual “Faith Trends” workshop on January 28. Explore signs of hope and opportunities for renewal among family and friends that aren't religious (but might be seeking answers to life's big questions). Use code TRENDS to register for free.