Church Relegations
Published December 10, 2018
St. Felicitas Church (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Joachim Church (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published June 23, 2019
St. Adalbert Church (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published September 16, 2019
Queen of Apostles Church of Holy Ghost and SS. Mary and Jude Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published November 11, 2019
Holy Ghost Church of Christ Our Savior Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published March 11, 2020
St. Anthony of Padua Church of St. Mary of Perpetual Help, All Saints St. Anthony Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Santa Lucia Church of Ss. Maria, Lucia, and Jerome Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Simeon Church of Queen of All Nations Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published May 22, 2020
Transfiguration of Our Lord Church of the to-be formed St. Pio of Pietrelcina (Padre Pio) Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published June 1, 2020
St. Camillus Church of St. Faustina Kowalska Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published August 7, 2020
St. Victor Church of Jesus, Shepherd of Souls Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published September 11, 2020
St. Maurice Church of Blessed Sacrament Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published September 18, 2020
St. Columba Church of Christ Our Light Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Mother of God Church of Christ Our Light Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published September 23, 2020
St. George Church of Annunciata and SS. George, Kevin, and Francis de Sales Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Francis de Sales Church Annunciata and SS. George, Kevin, and Francis de Sales Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Bride Church of Our Lady and SS. Bride and Philip Neri Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Our Lady Gate of Heaven Church of Our Lady and SS. Bride and Philip Neri Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published November 3, 2020
Our Lady of Loretto Church of Our Lady at St. Germaine Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published April 19, 2021
St. Henry Church of Holy Child Jesus Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Timothy Church of Holy Child Jesus Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published May 14, 2021
St. Roman Church of Mother of the Americas Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published June 10, 2021
St. Hugh Church of St. Paul VI Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published September 16, 2021
St. Louis de Montfort Church of the former St. Louis de Montfort Parish, now within St. Gerald Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published November 4, 2021
St. Cornelius Church of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Thecla Church of St. Elizabeth of the Trinity Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published November 5, 2021
St. Kevin Church of Our Lady of Nazareth Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published December 7, 2021
Immaculate Heart of Mary Church of the former Immaculate Heart of Mary Parish whose patrimony was divided between Our Lady of Mercy and St. Edward Parishes (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published January 11, 2022
St. Ambrose Church of Our Lady of Africa Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Anselm Church of Our Lady of Africa Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Corpus Christi Church of Our Lady of Africa Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Ascension Church of Ascension and SS. John the Baptist, Susanna, and Gerard Majella Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Assumption BVM Church of Mother of the Americas Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Santa Maria Addolorata Church of Blessed Maria Gabriella Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Our Lady of Good Counsel Church of Blessed Sacrament Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published February 15, 2022
St. Clotilde Church of St. Moses the Black Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Dorothy Church of St. Moses the Black Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Gerard Majella Church of Lord of Mercy Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Providence of God Church of St. Procopius Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. John Church of All Souls Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published March 28, 2022
St. Paul Church of Our Lady of the Heights Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published May 17, 2022
St. Mark Church of Our Lady of Unity Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published May 20, 2022
St. Maria Goretti Church of Holy Virgin Martyrs Parish – relegation decree revoked to allow continued use of the church by a parish of the Greek Orthodox Church (link)
Published November 22, 2022
Divine Savior Church of Queen of Peace Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published December 15, 2022
St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr Church of St. Augustine Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published January 19, 2023
St. Lawrence O’Toole Church of St. Veronica Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Irenaeus Church of St. Veronica Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Emeric Church of St. John Neumann Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
SS. Peter and Paul Church of Our Lady of Kibeho Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. Kilian Church of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published May 16, 2023
Our Lady of Victory Church of Our Lady of the Rosary Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published October 5, 2023
St. Joseph Church of Blessed Martyrs of Chimbote Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
St. James Church of All Souls Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published March 5, 2024
St. Bonaventure Oratory (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published April 11, 2024
Our Lady of Peace Church of St. Josephine Bakhita Parish (relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published May 20, 2024
Our Lady of Lourdes Church of Saint Mary of the Lake and Our Lady of Lourdes Parish (Relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published June 27, 2024
SPRED Chapel/St. John Nepomucene Church (Relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)
Published July 1, 2024
St. Bernadette Church of St. Gianna Molla Parish (Relegation to profane but not sordid use) (link)